
Profyle is a conceptual project for facial recognition software company that delivers its software to commercial businesses, law enforcement, the government, and in some aspects, to the public.

The Brief

Develop a comprehensive branding identity for Profyle, a facial recognition software company. The company doesn't want to be seen as a "Big Brother" influenced company, wanting their customers to feel safe, secure, and protected wile utilizing their software. To develop this brand, a branding identity manual is required to distinguish their brand from other competitors as well as how their software can be utilized through an app accompanied by a homepage for their website.

Logo Design

The Brief

Profyle wanted a logo that truly defines who they are as a company focusing on their goal of protecting their customers privacy, promoting security and referencing the technology they use.

The Solution

To promote a positive image of the company, I chose a main branding color of yellow. Yellow is known to invoke positive feelings and boost curiosity. The brand name is displayed within four rectangular shapes, utilizing a thick, strong typeface to convey the company's commitment to providing strong protection to its customers. These four shapes represent the way in which the software utilizes facial recognition